Booking Inquiry

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    Booking Inquiry

    Demo Inquiry

      Kindly note: your party may be part of a larger group attending the demo at ReadySet Studios.

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      Demo Inquiry
      Production companyNOSH Foodfilms
      Post-productionAnimation by PlusOne®

      Shot at ReadySet Studios, Amsterdam

      VP/ICVFX supervisorDustin Kershaw
      VP/ICVFX producerYazmin Garcia
      VP/ICVFX artistJarno Blankestijn
      René van Zon
      Jasper Scheepbouwer
      Head of VPNils Pauwels
      VP technicianDaan Geurts


      Café Moments (Japan)

      Virtual Production offers the perfect solution to produce multi-market, international campaigns that benefit from short turnarounds and allow producer and client to shoot multiple locations aimed at different markets without the need for time consuming travel or relying on complex physical infrastructure.

      Shoot a Japanese kitchen in the morning and seamlessly switch to a Mexican variant by means of prepared real-time environments on the LED-wall with minimal changes to the physical foreground and light setup.

      Starbucks Café Moments is a campaign for the Asian market that used a hybrid approach with a physical kitchen element, complemented by a virtual Unreal Engine-scene in the background.

      A physical kitchen counter was present during the shoot for the actor to interact with, the rest of the environment (background kitchen and garden outside) was created virtually in Unreal Engine.


      Production companyNOSH Foodfilms
      Post-productionAnimation by PlusOne®

      Shot at ReadySet Studios, Amsterdam

      VP/ICVFX supervisorDustin Kershaw
      VP/ICVFX producerYazmin Garcia
      VP/ICVFX artistJarno Blankestijn
      René van Zon
      Jasper Scheepbouwer
      Head of VPNils Pauwels
      VP technicianDaan Geurts